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Moving to Chicago?

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Okay folks, let’s fill in some missing puzzle pieces. In 2017 I certified at my first air traffic control facility. I quickly became bored with the little traffic I was working (I prefer to be busy). After attempting to transfer to several highly-desirable facilities in the country, many of which were close to home, it became obvious those efforts wouldn’t yield much fruit, especially coming from a lower-level facility that unfortunately didn’t get much respect in the industry.
Quickly realizing I would need to make more aggressive moves if I wanted to transfer, I put in paperwork for several facilities that were in higher need for inbound controllers. One of which was...



When someone cuts you off in traffic...

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Turbo Thoughts

I remember it almost like it was yesterday, my first semester in college, the class was Introduction to Aviation in the year 2011. The professor I had would go on to be my Aviation Law professor someday, as I thoroughly enjoyed his lessons. Some lectures, you just don’t forget, and this was one of them.


"spread your wings and fly"